Begonias are undergoing a resurgence in popularity in recent years, as they perform Summer after Summer – whether it’s hot and dry, or our more usual wet weather! We will detail how to plant and care for these gorgeous flowers in this handy guide.

One of the most popular Spring bedding plants for garden flower power and weather resilience, Begonias are guaranteed performers in baskets and containers, come rain or shone, they will keep delivering.

Begonia tubers will bloom throughout summer, thriving in shadier spaces where not very many other plants with long flowering periods can grow.

On Receipt

Begonias normally come as tubers, a type of bulb. Tubers will give you a head start over cuttings, for earlier blooms from about May time all the way through to October. Most Begonia Tubers you buy will be packed and delivered in perforated polythene bags, and some may come with sawdust in the bags, to keep condensation at bay. Once received, if you cannot plant them straight away, it is always best to keep them in a cool, dark, moisture-free place and that’ll make sure they keep for a few weeks.

Planting Begonia Tubers

There is a simple rule of thumb when planting Begonia Tubers but it probably best to plant them at twice the depth of the height of the tuber and four times their width apart. e.g 5cm tall tubers need to be planted 10cm below the surface of the ground and 20cm apart.

Please check the bag they are supplied in for any additional planting instructions.

They are fine to plant even if a little green growth is showing, they’ll just need a good watering when you plant them, and then only when the soil is dry.

Whilst all the energy that a begonia tuber needs in order to grow is stored in the tuber itself, they will do better if you feed them with fertiliser when in active green growth.

Where to plant Begonias

Begonias grows well in sun and shade, and with many of them having a tendency to trail they are also perfect for growing in pots and hanging baskets. But you can also plant in a border if you wish. Despite their flexibility, they are best grown in full sun or partial shaded areas, as the sunnier the site, the more vibrant the colours will be!

Begonia Aftercare

Feed once every two weeks with a high potassium feed while in flower, and deadhead regularly to encourage further flowers

For best results, keep plants well watered, and feed fortnightly with a high-potash fertiliser to prolong flowering. Take care not to over-water, as this will cause new Begonia flower buds to drop.

It is best to remove flowers once they have faded to encourage more blooms in the future.