
Whether you are growing from seed or young plug plants, sowing should be between Feb-Apr and plant out May-Jun with a harvest in Jun-Sep.

 Tomatoes love to be planted in fertile soil to give them a real kick start.  Plant your plug plants into larger pots and keep sheltered until the frosts are past. Tomatoes will fruit best in a green house but can be grown in a sunny, sheltered spot outside or on a patio in a pot or grow bag. 

Make sure you water tomato plants regularly. They don’t like to dry out, so keep the watering level consistent or it could harm the developing fruit. As the plants start to grow you could train them up with a cane. As fruit starts to appear give plants a potash rich feed fortnightly.

Start to pinch out extra growth so plants can focus on fruiting. If you are growing in a greenhouse it will be time to harvest towards the end of June. If growing outside it will be slightly later.

How to grow

Where to grow your Tomatoes:

Grow in growing bags or large pots or baskets in a sunny, sheltered position. Plants need 6-8 hours of sun a day.

When to grow:

Plant as soon as possible, protecting from frost. Plants can be temporarily potted on in to 4in pots and planted out when all risk of frost has passed. Harvest from July depending on variety.

What you need

Tomato plants

Growing bags or 45cm (18in) pots

Gardening gloves

A trowel

Plant label and pencil

How to grow:

Step 1. Tomatoes are best grown in a growing bags or large pots of compost where they can be fed and watered regularly.

Step 2. Plant up into their containers from April onwards. Plant 2-3 plants per growing bag or 1 per pot, burying up to the first set of true leaves. Leggy plants can be buried deeper as the underground stems will root. Water in well and add your plant label.

Step 3. Grow on for a couple of weeks before placing outside after hardening off. Cover plants with horticultural fleece on any unexpectedly cold nights.

Step 4. As plants grow, keep them watered every day and feed once a week with a tomato feed.

Step 5. Support the plants as they get taller with a stake (or leave them to tumble in a basket), tying in the stems.

Step 6. Pick tomatoes when they are fully ripe.

Top Tips

Feed with high Potash feed once first flowers appear and water well, especially when the fruits begin to develop.

Fill in gaps in containers with sun-loving herbs such as basil or plant nasturtiums to trail over the sides. You could also add a pepper plant to the middle of your pot or basket for added height and interest.